Expectations of foreigners in Japan(日本での外国人の希望)

1 Items desired by foreigners in Japan

・According to a lot of data, what most foreigners want in Japan is a place where they can learn Japanese. In addition, there are the following items.

・Location, contact information, and usage of public facilities

・About hospital, medical care, childbirth, childcare, vaccination

・Response to emergencies such as disasters and accidents

・Exchanges with local communities such as events, sports festivals and festivals

・Consultation in a foreign language (especially the mother tongue)

・Education of children

, Customs of Japan

・Japanese cuisine

・Exchange with Japanese people

・Traffic rules, how to use transportation

・Participate in disaster drills

・How to get a car license

・About workplace, work and how to associate with colleagues

・Explanation in native language

・Tax, health insurance, pension

・How to dispose of garbage

・No worries

There are many red line items. It is often said that they have no worries. There are very few ways to dispose of garbage.

2 Things that foreigners can't or do not like

・Because I do not have time, I cannot participate in the area

・Because I do not understand the language, I will not participate in the area

・Don't discriminate...I hate being called "foreigner" in the first place.

・Regional information cannot be obtained

・I don't have a chance to interact

Prices are high for international students.


Most foreigners consult with their family, friends in the same country, friends in Japan, or people at work, and do not contact other people for the above reasons. In terms of religion, we are always getting information by interacting with people of the same religion. In that sense, it is also closed.

In the first place, when it comes to obtaining information, he says, "I want to obtain it as voice information rather than textual information," and it is common to not look at online information. Many have mobile phones but not personal computers.

After all, being unable to speak is the biggest bottleneck everywhere.

In many places, English is used as the Japanese translation, but in addition, there are many Chinese and Korean types. There are also Tagalog and Portuguese.

It's impossible to say that you want to display more languages ​​side by side, but people from every country want to see and speak their native language. In response to this, applications and Poketalk on smartphones have appeared, but further spread is desired.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website reference https://www.mlit.go.jp/common/000054062.pdf describes several comparative studies such as Niigata, but the content is similar everywhere.













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