

【1】Types of residence status


【2】Types of residence procedures


【1】Types of residence status.(在留資格の種類)

There are currently 36 types of residence status.
1. Resident status permitting work = Foreign affairs, official use, professor, art, religion, news, advanced profession, management/management, legal/accounting services, medical care, research, education, technical/humanistic knowledge/international services, corporate Transfer, nursing, industry, skill, technical training, specific skill
2. Status of residence not allowed to work = Cultural activities, short-term stay, study abroad, training, family stay, specific activities
3. Status of residence with no restrictions on activities = Permanent resident, spouse of Japanese etc, spouse of permanent etc.resident.


1. I will explain the status of residence that allows you to work. ①Status of residence② Activity example ③ Period of residence.

①Diplomat ②Foreign government ambassadors, ministers, consul general, members of delegation and their families ③Period of diplomatic activities
①Official ②Embassy/Consulate staff of foreign government, persons engaged in public affairs of international organizations and their families ③5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 3 months, 30 days, 15 days
①Professor ②Research and guidance at university/college, Professor ③5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 3 months
① Artist ② Music art and literature activities = composer, painter, writer ③ Same as above
① Religious Activities ② Missionary activities dispatched from foreign religious groups = missionaries ③ Same as above

①Journalist② Foreign news agency coverage = reporter, camera ③Same as above

① Highly Skilled Professional ② Advanced academic research, technical fields Management/management fields No. 1 and No. 2 ③ No. 1 is 5 years, No. 2  is unlimited

① Business Manager ② Business manager/manager ③ 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 4months, 3months
①Legal/Accounting Services② Lawyer, CPA ③ 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 3 months

① Medical Services ② Medical activities of qualified persons such as doctors and dentists ③ Same as above

① Researcheer ② Research at government-affiliated organizations and private companies ③ Same as above
① Instructor ② Language teachers for elementary and junior high and high schools ③ Same as above

①Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services ②Engineers such as natural humanities, interpreters/designers Language teachers of private companies ③Same as above

Intra-company Transferee⓶ Transferred from a foreign public or private establishment (3) Same as above

① Nursing Care ② Care worker ③ Same as above

① Entertainer ② Theater and gardening sports activities = actors, singers, dancers, professional athletes ③ 3 years, 1 year, 6months, 3months , 15days
① Skilled Labor ② Foreign cooks, sports instructors, pilots of aircraft, craftsmen of precious metals, etc. ③ 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 3 months
① Technical Intern Training ② Technical training students No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 ③ 1 year, 6months, designated period within 1 year.
①Specified Skilled Worker② No. 1 = Person with considerable knowledge and experience within 12 types of specific industrial fields. No. 2 = Skilled technicians in 12 specific industrial fields = building cleaning, material industry, industrial machinery manufacturing industry, electrical and electronic related industry, automobile maintenance, aviation, accommodation, fishing, restaurant industry, construction, shipbuilding and shipbuilding industry 9 fields③ No. 1 = 1 year, 5 months, 4 months ,up to 5 years. No. 2 = 3 years, 1 year, 6 months Need to renew your period of stay


②外国政府の大使・公使・総領事、代表団構成員等とその家族 ③外交活動の期間
①公用 ②外国政府の大使館・領事館の職員、国際機関等の公務に従事する者等とその家族 ③5年、3年、1年、3月、30日、15日
①教授 ②大学・高専での研究・指導、教授 ③5年、3年、1年、3月
①芸術 ②音楽美術文学活動=作曲家、画家、著述家 ③同上
①宗教 ②外国宗教団体から派遣の布教活動=宣教師 ③同上
①報道 ②外国報道機関の取材活動=記者、カメラ ③同上
①高度専門職 ②高度な学術研究、技術分野経営・管理分野1号・2号 ③1号は5年、2号は無期限
①経営・管理 ②事業の経営者・管理者 ③5年、3年、1年、4月、3月
①法律・会計業務 ②弁護士、公認会計士 ③5年、3年、1年、3月
①医療 ②医師、歯科医師、等の資格者の医療活動 ③同上
①研究 ②政府関系機関や私企業などでの研究 ③同上
①教育 ②小中学校・高校の語学教師その他 ③同上
①技術・人文知識・国際業務 ②自然人文科学等の技術者、通訳・デザイナー私企業の語学教師 ③同上
①企業内転勤 ②外国の公私事業所からの転勤者 ③同上
①介護 ②介護福祉士 ③同上
①興業 ②演劇園芸演奏スポーツ活動=俳優、歌手、ダンサー、プロスポーツ選手 ③3年、1年、6月、3月、15日。
①技能 ②外国料理の調理師、スポーツ指導者、航空機などの操縦者、貴金属等の加工職人 ③5年、3年、1年、3月
①技能実習 ②技能実習生1号・2号・3号 ③1年、6月、1年以内の指定期間。
①特定技能 ②1号=特定産業分野12種類内における相当な知識及び経験のある人。2号=特定産業分野12種類内における熟練技能者=ビルクリーニング、素形材産業・産業機械製造業・電気電子関連産業、自動車整備、航空、宿泊、漁業、外食業、建設、造船船用工業の9分野2号 ③1号=1年、5ヶ月、4ヶ月。上限5年まで。2号=3年、1年、6ヶ月。在留期間の更新が必要

2. I will explain the status of residence that does not allow you to work. ① Status of residence ② Example of activity ③ Period of stay

① Cultural Activities ② Academic and artistic activities = Japanese culture trainees ③ 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months
① Temporary Visitor ② Sightseeing, sports, visiting relatives, participants in seminars ③ 90 days, 30 days, 15 days

① Student  ② Students at universities, vocational schools, high schools, various schools, etc. ③ 4 years and 3 months, 4 years, 3 years and 3 months, 3 years, 2 years and 3 months,
2 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months
① Trainee② Skill acquisition at public and private institutions in Japan (other than practical training) ③ 1 year, 6 months, 3 months
①Dependent ② Applicants with residence status listed in Appendices 1-1 to 1-3 (other than diplomacy, official use, skills, practical training, short-term stay)

Spouse/child who is supported by a residence qualification or study abroad qualification ③ 5 years, 4 years 3 months, 4 years, 3 years 3 months, 3 years,
2 years 3 months, 2 years, 1 year 3 months, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months
①Designated Activities ② Domestic workers such as diplomats, amateur athletes and their families, internships, specific research activities, specific information processing activities, working holidays, caregiver training services, job hunting activities for international students after graduation from college, graduates from Japanese universities Change to a trader and their family, etc. ③ 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, period specified by the Minister of Justice (range not exceeding 5 years)

Designated Activities = work is possible, but the scope is limited. It is limited to activities designated by the Minister of Justice for each foreigner.

2就労が認められない在留資格について説明します。①在留資格 ②活動例 ③在留期間
①文化活動 ②学術芸術活動=日本文化の研修者 ③3年、1年、6月、3月
①短期滞在 ②観光、スポーツ、親族訪問、講習会議参加者 ③90日、30日、15日
①留学 ②大学・専門学校・高校・各種学校等の学生 ③4年3月、4年、3年3月、3年、2年3月、2年、1年、6月、3月
①研修 ②日本の公私機関での技能習得(技能実習以外) ③1年、6月、3月
①家族滞在 ②別表1-1~1-3の在留資格者(外交・公用・技能・実習・短期滞在以外)
の在留資格者や留学資格者の扶養を受ける配偶者・子 ③5年、4年3月、4年、3年3月、3年、2年3月、2年、1年3月、1年、6月、3月
①特定活動 ②外交官等の家事使用人、アマチュアスポーツ選手及びその家族、インターンシップ、特定研究活動、特定情報処理活動、ワーキング・ホリデー、介護士研修業務、大学卒業後の留学生の就職活動、本邦大学卒業者及びその家族への変更等 ③5年、3年、1年、6月、3月、法務大臣が指定する期間(5年を超えない範囲)

3. Status of residence with no restrictions on activities

① Status of residence ② Examples of status and status in Japan ③ Period of stay
① Permanent Resident ② Person authorized by the Minister of Justice to permanently reside (excluding "special permanent residents") ③ Indefinite
① Spouse or Child of Japanese National ②Japanese spouse, special adoption, or person born as a Japanese child ③Five years, three years, one year, 6months

①Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident ② Spouse of permanent resident ・Person who was born and continues to reside in Japan ③ Same as above
①Long-Term Resident ② Person whose Minister of Justice has acknowledged a special reason and has been allowed to stay for a certain period of time =Japanese relatives, children of Japanese descent, foreign spouses ③ 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 6months Period designated by the Minister of Justice

(Range not exceeding 5 years


①在留資格 ②日本での身分・地位の例 ③在留期間
①永住者 ②法務大臣が永住を認めた人(「特別永住者」を除く) ③無期限
①日本人の配偶者等 ②日本人の配偶者・特別養子・日本人の子として出生した者 ③5年、3年、1年、6月
①永住者の配偶者等 ②永住者の配偶者・日本で出生し引き続き在留している者 ③同上
①定住者 ②法務大臣が特別理由を認め、一定期間在留を認めた人=日本人の親族、日系人の子、外国人配偶者の連れ ③5年、3年、1年、6月法務大臣が指定する期間(5年を超えない範囲)   

【2】Types of residence procedures(在留手続きの種類)

1. Renewal of period of stay (Article 21)
A procedure that allows renewal to be continued if a foreign national who has a residence status in Japan wants to continue to reside and the Minister of Justice determines that it will be accepted.
2. Change of residence status (Article 20)
Procedure for permitting the Minister of Justice to change the status of residence to a new status of residence when a foreigner who has a status of residence wants to change the purpose of residence and carry out activities with a different status of residence.
3. Application for naturalization (Article 4 of the Nationality Law)
To become a Japanese with perfect Japanese nationality.
4. Permanent residence permit application (Article 22)
I want to live in Japan for a long time, but I don't want to change my nationality. In case of  you think you may return someday.
5. Application for permission to obtain status of residence (Articles 22, 2 and 3)
Necessary when a foreigner who intends to stay in Japan without going through the landing procedure stipulated in the Immigration Control Act for reasons such as withdrawal of Japanese nationality or birth is to continue to stay in Japan for 60 days or more from the date of occurrence of the reasons.
6. Application for issuance of Certificate of Eligibility (Article 7-2)
A document that, when a foreigner arrives in Japan with a status of residence other than "short-term stay", the Minister of Justice examines the landing conditions for the status of residence and issues a certificate when the conditions are met.
7. Re-entry permit application (Article 26)
This is a permit given in advance by the Minister of Justice to simplify the immigration and landing procedures after a foreigner residing in Japan leaves Japan temporarily and when he or she intends to enter Japan.

8.Permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted  (Article 19)
Necessary when you want to carry out activities that receive income or receive rewards, in addition to the activities of the status of residence you currently have.
9. Work qualification certificate issuance application (Article 19 2)
A document certifying by the Minister of Justice the activities to operate a business with income earned by a foreigner residing in Japan or the activities to receive a reward (working activities).
10. Short stay visa
Status of residence for foreigners to stay in Japan for a short period of time. The period of stay is 15 days, 30 days, and 90 days. In principle, a visa is required. The main ones are tourist visas and relative visit visas.
Visa-free countries ➡ Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
11. Apostille and official seal confirmation
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs certifies documents issued by Japanese public offices and local governments. When a Japanese official document is required for various procedures (birth/marriage/divorce, obtaining a visa, establishing a company, etc.) in a foreign country, when obtaining the proof of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the submission destination, also submit it in Japan Necessary when requested when obtaining certification (= Consular certification) from the embassy/(consular) consulate of the destination country.



Permanent residence permit(永住許可・えいじゅうきょか・Eijyūkyoka)

Permanent residence permit (Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Article 22)

"A foreigner who intends to change his/her status of residence and wishes to change his/her status of residence to that of a permanent resident must apply for a permanent residence permit to the Minister of Justice according to the procedure specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.

2. If there is an application under the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Justice shall only permit such person if he/she complies with the following items and if he/she recognizes that his/her permanent residence is in the interest of Japan. You can Provided, however, that if the person is a Japanese person, a person who has been granted a permanent residence permit, or is a spouse or child of a special permanent resident, it is not necessary to comply with the following items.

1. The behavior is good.                            

2. Have sufficient assets or skills to run an independent livelihood. "

◆What is a special permanent resident◆                 

Resident status and qualifications under the special law for immigration of people who have lived in Japan before the end of World War II, such as South Korean person, Koreans, Taiwanese, and their descendants.









Naturalization(帰化・きか・Kika )
1. Ordinary naturalization (普通帰化・ふつうきか・Hutsū kika)
2. Simple naturalization (簡易帰化・かんいきか・ Kan’i kika)
3. Great naturalization (大帰化・だいきか・Daikika)

Naturalization procedures are carried out at the Legal Affairs Bureau

There are three types of naturalization.(帰化・きか・Kika) Nationality Act, Article 5 Paragraph 1

1. Ordinary naturalization (普通帰化・ふつうきか・Hutsū kika)

2. Simple naturalization (簡易帰化・かんいきか・ Kan’i kika)

3. Great naturalization (大帰化・だいきか・Daikika)

1. Ordinary naturalization (普通帰化:in Japanese, it is called Hutsū kika)

① Address condition = Continue to live in Japan for more than 5 years. (Sure address)

② Competence condition = Being an adult (18 years old).

③ Behavior condition = no crime. The tax is paid correctly.

④ Livelihood condition = independent living. (including families who do not live together)

⑤Conditions to prevent double nationality = Japanese nationality will be lost as a result of acquiring Japanese nationality.

⑥ Conditions for respecting the Constitution of Japan

Others: Japanese language ability is required in the second or third grade of elementary school,








6, 日本国憲法施行の日以後において、日本国憲法またはその下に成立した政府を暴力で破壊することを企てて、若しくは主張し、またはこれを企て、若しくは主張する政党その他の団体を結成し、若しくはこれに加入したことがないこと。」


2. Simple naturalization ( 簡易帰化:in Japanese、it is called Kan’i kika)

For simple naturalization, it means to relax the three requirements of ① residency requirements, ⓶ ability requirements, and ③ livelihood requirements and allow naturalization.

① The residence requirement is that there should be an address in Japan for 5 years or more.

② Ability requirements are 18 years or older and have the ability according to the national law.

③ Livelihood requirements are that a person or a spouse who has a similar livelihood or other family member can make a living.

・Persons eligible are Japanese spouses, Koreans residing in Japan, special permanent residents, etc.


簡易帰化には、①居住要件 ②能力要件 ③生計要件の3つの要件を緩和して、帰化を認めることを言います。①居住要件は、日本に引き続き5年以上住所がある事。




3. Great naturalization (大帰化:in Japanese, it is called Dai kika)

People who contributed to Japan

ex: A person who received the Nobel Prize
