How to make a bank account(銀行口座の作り方)

1. How to make a general bank account

・For foreigners: ① Must be in Japan for 6 months or more. ② You need a resident card.
A residence card and a resident card are required to apply. Also, a person with a short-term visa cannot make one.
Therefore, it is necessary to be a resident of 3 months or more and less than 6 months. Moreover, in this case, you cannot make an ordinary account. What you can make is called "Non-resident Yen Deposit", and there are restrictions such as restrictions on overseas remittances, you cannot debit your account, you cannot make a cash card, and there are high usage fees. You cannot create multiple accounts.
・Create a seal in advance.
・A bank account can be created by anyone over the age of 15. In principle, minors are accompanied by parents and children. If the application form has a signature stamp with the consent of the parent, only children can come to the store.
・Personal accounts are usually classified into "ordinary account" and "general account". "Comprehensive account" is a combination of ordinary deposit and time deposit. If you make a time deposit, you can withdraw money up to a certain amount with the time deposit as collateral.

① Order

・Go to a nearby bank or post office.
・Since Japan Post Bank at the post office is located all over the country, you can apply from a PC. Multilingual
I am responding. Normally, a passbook is issued, but there is also a "no passbook account" without a passbook.
・Fill out the application form... From here, ask a bank clerk for more details.
・No money is required at the time of opening, but you should deposit even 1 yen.
・Multiple accounts can be created in the same bank, and if there are certain reasons, they can be created in the same branch.
・Make it immediately on that day and get an account passbook. = You're done.

② Necessary items

・Identity certificate・・・Resident card, special permanent resident card, car license, passport for foreigners
Gat/resident card/health insurance card
・Money・・・・・・・・First money 1000 yen is good
・Seal.・・・・・・・・・Depending on the bank, the signature may be acceptable.
・Others ・・・・・・・・Used for withdrawal of public utility charges such as mobile phone charges, electricity and water bills, transfer of salary, etc., but also bring mobile phone receipts and public utility receipts.
*For "Japan Post Bank" online applications, search online to proceed.

2. How to make a bank account online

・Internet banks do not have passbooks, and fees are cheaper than ordinary banks.
Although it depends on the bank, generally, when you send confirmation documents online, you will receive a cash card after screening. There are no procedures or mailing at the counter.

<Necessary items>

・Identity card = residence card, special permanent resident certificate, resident card, health insurance card, my number card, etc. Send them.
・If you cannot send money overseas, it depends on the bank.
-Anytime, anywhere, if you can access the internet, you can do it anytime, anywhere.












【How to read】

・銀行口座(Ginkō kōza)=Bank account
・車の免許証(Kuruma no Menkyo sho)=Car license
・郵便局(Yūbin kyoku)=Post office
・ゆうちょ銀行(Yūcho ginkō)=Yucho bank
・在留カード(Zairyū kado)=Residence card
・住民票(Jyūmin hyō)=Identification card
・身分証明書(Mibun shōmeisho)=
・特別永住者証(Tokubetsu eijyūshashō)=
・健康保険証(Kenkō hokensho)=
・マイナンバーカード(Mainanbā kādo)=My number card
・海外送金(Kaigai sōkin)=Overseas remittance
・普通口座(Hutsū kōza)=Ordinary account
・総合口座(Sōgōkōza)=Comprehensive account
・非居住者円預金(Hi kyojyūsha enyokin)=Non-resident Yen Deposit
・口座引き落とし(Kōza hikiotoshi)=Debit
Seal stamp to be accepted
・口座通帳(Kōza tsūchō)=Account passbook
・携帯電話料金(Keitai denwa ryōkin)=Mobile phone charges
・電気水道代(Denki suidō dai)=Electricity and water bill
・申込用紙(Mōshikomi yōshi)=Application form
・公共料金(KōKyō ryōkin)=Utility charges


参照 金融庁HP「外国人の受入れ・共生に関する金融関連施策について


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