

The vernal equinox is the day when the length of day and night are almost equal. In addition, since this day corresponds to ``Higan no Chunichi'' in Buddhism, people also visit graves. The same thing happens in autumn. Autumn is called "Autumn Equinox Day".
Since ancient times, these two days have been celebrated as public holidays due to events held in the Imperial Court.


``Higan'' is the world of the other world, and the world of this world is called `Shigan''.
The vernal equinox is either March 20th or March 21st. It changes every year. This is because the length of a year varies from year to year. Combine the three days before and after the middle day. It is called "ohigan".
Around this time, early-blooming cherry blossoms bloom in various places.
It's getting warmer, cherry blossom viewing and visiting graves overlap, so we are going out more often.

Vernal Equinox Day.=秋分の日・Shubun no hi.


This photo is a dried confectionery called "Rakugan". Dried sweets are one of Japanese sweets. It is a dry snack with little moisture. In Buddhism, they are offered at altars and Buddhist altars on the vernal equinox, autumnal equinox, Obon, funerals, and memorial services.
It is a mixture of rice and wheat flour mixed with sugar. It keeps for a long time.



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