







Many people say that they have lived in Japan for many years and have permanent residency permits. I will eat it.
The reason why those people apply for naturalization is that there are merits in acquiring Japanese nationality, but one example ( As a person, I also have a permanent residence permit, and if I am going to do business, I will go in and out of a foreign country for work. When you leave Japan, you will need to go through the departure procedures each time.
This is more complicated the more you go in and out.
However, if you have Japanese nationality, that is, you are naturalized, you can enter and leave with your Japanese passport. ) procedures will be unnecessary.
Naturally, this is a considerable advantage for people doing business in Japan, so I would like to have Japanese citizenship = naturalization.

Moreover, Japanese passports are said to be the best in the world. The reliability of "Japanese people can be trusted" has been established, so it will be accepted wherever you go.


We will help you apply for permanent residency and naturalization Immigration lawyer  在留許可・永住許可・帰化    あなたの在留資格をサポートします。 行政書士 井原法務事務所           ☎ 058ー241-3583


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