Q. One month has passed since my period of stay expired. I'm not working now, but ・・・

Question :

 One month has passed since my period of stay expired. I'm not working now, but I'm sure my next workplace will be decided. What should I do?

私の滞在期間が終了してから1か月が過ぎました。 今は仕事をしていませんが、次の職場が決まっています。 私はどうすべきでしょうか?


To say that the period of stay has expired means to stay overstay.

Even if you work illegally somewhere (in which case you will be illegally employed), you will be admitted if you find one.

If caught, deportation procedure will be taken.

However, if the following five conditions are met, it is possible to exit the country with a simple procedure without accommodation. (This is called the command system for departures from the country .)

The first decision is to contact the Immigration Bureau immediately.

It's not good to do nothing. It doesn't work even if you forget it or say that you actually have a new job. If you call the Immigration Bureau, you will be forced to return home.

You will be given a period to return to your country.

Reference: Immigration homepage, "Information on returning procedures (command system for departures from the country) for foreigners who have remained illegally" is written as follows. http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/others/syukkokumeirei.html

"Foreigners living in Japan who wish to leave Japan after the period of stay has passed the following five requirements and will not be admitted under the "command system for departures from the country": You can leave the country.

1 Appearing at the immigration office in hopes of leaving Japan promptly
2 Do not fall under any of the deportation reasons other than the expiration of the period of stay.
you have not been penal servitude or imprisonment for certain crimes such as theft after entering Japan.
4 Have been deported in the past or have not departed under the command system for departures from the country
5 Being sure to be expected to leave Japan promptly
If you leave Japan by deportation procedure, you will not be able to enter Japan for at least 5 years, but if you leave Japan under the "command system for departures from the country", that period will be one year. 










1 速やかに日本から出国することを希望して自ら入国管理官署に出頭したこと
2 在留期間を経過したこと以外の退去強制事由に該当しないこと
3 入国後に窃盗等の一定の罪により懲役又は禁錮に処せられていないこと
4 過去に退去強制されたこと又は出国命令制度により出国したことがないこと
5 速やかに日本から出国することが確実に見込まれること


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